Circus Inspired Puppet Theater

by Jennifer Cooper, posted on February 22nd, 2010 in Arts & Crafts


Last spring, I was invited to be a guest writer over at Make and Takes. I was so excited! I went to work brainstorming. It can be a little nerve wracking to figure out what you want to share. Will the readers like it? Will my instructions be clear? So I sat and I thought. And I thought while I sat. I guess I do my best thinking while physically inactive.

The project I arrived at was one I had made before: a doorway Puppet Theater. The one I made previously was a Christmas present for the kids. It was mostly red and was made of a velvety material. So it was more like a movie theater curtain. This time, however, I went more colorful with a circus theme.

Why circus? Well, we had just visited an exhibit at the Baltimore Museum of Art entitled A Circus Family: Picasso to Leger. So I had circus on the brain I s’ppose. Note: if this exhibit travels to your area, I think it’s in Dallas now, run to see it! It’s really fantastic.

I’m actually quite happy with the finished project. It was easy to put up and take down. And more importantly it was cute and non-gender specific. Having a boy and a girl myself, I’m a big fan of items that appeal to each equally.

Should you be inspired to make a puppet theater of your own (and it doesn’t have to look like mine, a cut out box would do just as well), please share! I’d love to see it!


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